With Facebooks news ban we knew the Daily News Groups would take a beating but we had a back up plan to keep the groups going but what we did not take into consideration was the Sexual Abuse Network of Canada’s (SANC ) list consisted of thousands of names that can no longer be seen by the Canadian public . We used the fact that the cases and convictions were covered by the media that the information was verified and correct. We thought we would get coverage of these cases off the police website but just seen some are also blocked so we will be posting to our page then to Facebook .
We will be working on replacing the posts you see ( Canadian news block crap ) with a screenshot of the media coverage of the old cases and work on other avenues going forward.
This one caught us off guard thinking Facebook would never go down and lose our list of charged parties on SANC and the thousands of convicted offenders on the National Sexual Offender Registry (NSOR) . For now we will be working to fix the ones that are there but going forward we will be also posting them here on our own website so that we can insure this type of thing will never happen again.
We could use some volunteers to help sort this out with data entry or looking up names/cases online . If you feel like its something you could do please message the Sexual Abuse Network of Canadas page or email davemantin@sanc.ca and put volunteer in the subject line.
This is going to take months to repair the massive list we had generated over the past 14 years with all the news posts now blocked and will have a cost to have them all converted into website posts instead of Facebook posts and the legal ramifications that comes with maintaining the list .
We stay shielded from lawsuits for our database from offenders because we are only maintaining a list of media reports that were at one time made public therefore the legal onus is on the media outlet to get the information correct and we have enjoyed that loophole .
Anyone that wants to help out typing, research, posting please reach out to the director Dave Mantin davemantin@sanc.ca .
Lastly if you would like to help out and not computer savvy please help out by donating so we can pay someone that is computer savvy to help us get this all back on track so many parents use our database to know whos living near them because sex offenders don’t wear a sign saying molester.
It only takes a second to grab a kid making a public accessible database of sex offenders so needed these days and is why we created it back 13 years ago during a press conference with the federal justice minister stating we needed it back then and that we would maintain it and we still do.
IF you have the means to help please etransfer to donate@sanc.ca and if you want to give in any other way please email the director Dave Mantin at davemantin@sanc.ca .
Thank you all for your time and support and we hope to have everything back online soon .
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I find it very difficult to know my case is going nowhere. My family is protecting the offender (our brother) even though he also violated them. They’ve been taught how to lie to authorities by our fathers murderer. She sheltered her son from being held accountable for the crimes he committed before murdering our father. This I just learned from a member of my estranged family and one-of his victims, (my eldest sister).
The names of sexual predators/abusers needs to stay public .We need to know the safety of our Children/Grandchildren ..
It’s not Facebook you should be blaming, but our idiot prime minister who made this happen.